This Privacy Policy (hereinafter - Privacy Policy) establishes the terms and conditions of the processing of Personal Data of the visitors of the website (hereinafter - the Website) and other natural persons (hereinafter - Data Subjects, You) by UAB "Truck Master" (legal entity code 145411516, address Metalistų g. 6B, LT78107 Šiauliai, tel.:+37041502161, email address - the Company, we), as well as the procedure for the exercise of the rights of Data Subjects.
We may revise and amend this Privacy Policy to ensure that it complies with the requirements of the law and to provide you with up-to-date information about how we process your Personal Data, so we recommend that you periodically check to make sure that you are familiar with the current version of this Privacy Policy.
The Company collects your Personal Data:
1.1. kuriuos pateikiate Jūs (tiesiogiai iš Duomenų subjekto), pvz. when you interact or have a legal relationship with our Company, such as purchasing services and/or goods or contacting us for information, employment etc;
1.2. kurie generuojami, kai Jūs naudojatės mūsų paslaugomis, pavyzdžiui, kai naudojatės mūsų paslaugomis (lankotės mūsų interneto svetainėje, užsakote bei apmokate už mūsų paslaugas, ir pan.);
1.3. kuriuos gauname iš kitų šaltinių, pavyzdžiui, esant pagrindui, iš kitų įstaigų ar bendrovių (Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo valdybos prie Lietuvos Respublikos socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerijos (nedarbingumo apskaitai), Migracijos departamento prie Lietuvos Respublikos vidaus reikalų ministerijos (vizų ar leidimo gyventi Lietuvoje išdavimui)), viešai prieinamų registrų ir kt.
Depending on who you are (customer, employee, job applicant, supplier, etc.) and how you communicate with the Company (in person, online, over the phone, etc.), the Company may process different types of your Personal Data. The Company collects and processes the following categories of Personal Data:
Categories of personal data |
Personal data |
Personal identification and contact details |
Name, surname, personal identification number, date of birth, identity document details (ID card, passport), etc. El. postal address, telephone number, actual and declared place of residence (address), country. |
Data obtained and/or generated in compliance with legal requirements |
Data obtained in response to requests from law enforcement authorities, courts and bailiffs, or in the context of training provided for in legislation on occupational safety and health, or data required to be submitted to the Migration Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania for the recruitment of foreign nationals (e.g. gender, nationality, place of birth, etc.). |
Financial data |
Account data (e.g. bank, bank account number, owner's name), the amount and date of payment of salaries calculated and paid, the amount of income tax and compulsory social security or other benefits to Data Subjects, and other Personal Data processed for the purposes of contract processing, settlements or purchases from natural persons. |
Data collected by electronic, communication and other technical means |
Data collected when Data Subjects arrive at the Company or use the Company's information resources or visit the Company's Website, such as unique device identifiers, Internet Protocol (IP) address, the actual location of the Data Subject who drives a long-distance vehicle belonging to the Company as determined by the IP address or other location technologies, travel routes, stopping places and parking times, driver's work mode, etc. |
Personal data of employees, representatives or contacts of business partners (suppliers, customers, etc.) or potential business partners |
Name, surname, email. postal address, telephone number, title, signature, number of the customer's natural person's business certificate or individual activity certificate, dates of issue and expiry, VAT number (if VAT registered), etc. |
Special categories of Personal Data |
Data relating to the Data Subject's health and/or legal offences. In certain cases, in order to provide the Company with health services, to prevent accidents at work, to carry out incident investigations or otherwise to ensure the implementation of the requirements of the legislation, the Company is required to process special categories of Personal Data (e.g., periodic breathalyzer testing, etc.). |
Details of close persons |
Information about the Data Subject's family and other related persons, where the Company is required to comply with the provisions of laws granting social and other benefits to the Data Subject or, to the extent necessary, for the purpose of notifying the occurrence of an accident at work. |
Data relating to occupation and qualifications |
Details of education and professional activities. |
Any other information that you choose to share freely with the Company |
Feedback, opinions, comments, evaluations, the content of communications, information provided in documents you submit to the Company, when applying for services, employment, disputes and other topics. |
Image data |
Image and video recording of the Data Subject while the Data Subject is on the Company's premises, including inside the premises. |
The Company collects and processes your Personal Data only for lawful purposes for the performance of its activities. Below you will find a list of the purposes for which the Company may use your Personal Data:
3.1 Consent. The Company shall, in certain cases, request the consent of Data Subjects to process their Personal Data. The Company processes Personal Data of Data Subjects for the purpose of applying for employment and for the use of images (photographs) of individuals captured during events. Data subjects may withdraw their consent at any time.
3.2. Enforcement of legal obligations. In order to ensure compliance with the legal obligations applicable to the Company, the Company is obliged to process Personal Data in accordance with the requirements of the applicable legislation. Such processing includes the following purposes:
3.2.1. comply with the requirements of laws and other legal acts relating to record-keeping and the provision of information to public authorities;
3.2.2. užtikrinti saugios ir sveikos darbo aplinkos, profesinės sveikatos priežiūros reikalavimų vykdymą;
3.2.3. įgyvendinti teisės aktų reikalavimus, kad Duomenų subjektas galėtų naudotis specialiomis teisėmis darbo ir socialinės apsaugos teisės srityje;
3.2.4. vykdyti kitų teisės aktų, taikomų Bendrovės vykdomai veiklai, bei teismų raštų ir antstolių patvarkymų reikalavimus.
3.3. Performance of the Contract. The main purpose of the Company's processing of Personal Data is to enter into, perform and administer contracts with employees and other Data Subjects. This processing of Personal Data includes processing for the following purposes:
3.3.1. darbo bei praktikos sutarčių sudarymas ir vykdymas, darbo priemonių suteikimas;
3.3.2. kandidato į darbuotojus atranka siekiant sudaryti su juo darbo sutartį;
3.3.3. kandidato į darbuotojus, kuris nėra Lietuvos pilietis, atranka tikslu sudaryti darbo sutartį ir šiam tikslui tvarkomi kandidato Asmens duomenys siekiant gauti darbo vizą ir (arba) leidimą gyventi Lietuvoje;
3.3.4. darbo užmokesčio, premijų, priedų, pašalpų, dovanų ir kitų išmokų skaičiavimas, pervedimai, duomenų perdavimas valstybės institucijoms, taip pat buhalterinės apskaitos tvarkymas (nesusijęs su darbo santykiais).
3.4. Protecting the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person. On this basis, the Company may process Personal Data where it is necessary to provide first medical aid in cases where the Data Subject is unable to give his or her own consent for physical or legal reasons.
3.5 Legitimate interest. The Company processes the Personal Data of natural persons for legitimate interest purposes. Such processing is necessary where the legitimate interest of the Company, in the Company's assessment, outweighs the interest of the natural person in relation to his or her right to privacy. Such processing includes the following purposes:
3.5.1. ginti Bendrovės klientų, pačios Bendrovės ir (ar) Bendrovės darbuotojų teisėtus interesus, įgyvendinant reikiamas saugumo priemones, įskaitant vaizdo stebėjimą;
3.5.2. palaikyti santykius ir komunikaciją su klientais ir verslo partneriais;
3.5.3. siekiant užtikrinti tinkamą Bendrovės infrastruktūros, turto ir informacinių išteklių valdymą bei administravimą;
3.5.4. užtikrinti kokybišką Bendrovės paslaugų teikimą, informacijos, susijusios su paslaugų teikimu klientui, apsaugą, taip pat tobulinti, vystyti ir palaikyti programinę įrangą, techninių ir informacinių technologijų priemonių sistemas;
3.5.5. pareikšti, vykdyti ir ginti teisinius reikalavimus, atsakyti ir išnagrinėti pareikštas pretenzijas ar dalyvauti ginčuose.
If the Company asks you to provide your Personal Data but you choose not to provide it, in some cases the Company may not be able to provide services, sign a contract with you or otherwise communicate with you.
For detailed information about your rights, please refer to the Privacy Policy under "Data Subject Rights".
We may only provide your Personal Data in strict compliance with the requirements for the protection of personal data, only in justified cases and only to recipients who undertake to adequately protect them:
4.1. to the companies of the UAB AVERTO LT group of companies, where this is necessary for internal administrative purposes and only to the extent permitted under the legislation governing the protection of personal data.
4.2. to processors (subcontractors) and/or companies that provide services to us (carry out work) and process your Personal Data on behalf of the Company as the data controller. Processors have the right to process Personal Data only on the instructions of the Company and only to the extent necessary for the proper performance of the obligations set out in the contract concluded with the Company. The main areas in which the processors we use are: contractors providing electronic communications and website maintenance services, information technology service providers providing information systems maintenance and other services to the Company, etc., and providers of maintenance services for video surveillance equipment.
4.3. providers of legal, insurance, auditing and other professional services, bailiffs executing court orders, etc.
4.4. State and municipal authorities and other persons performing functions assigned to them by law. The Company may transfer the processed Personal Data to state authorities investigating criminal offences and incidents (e.g. the Police, the State Labour Inspectorate, etc.), other state authorities (e.g. the Internal Revenue Service, the State Tax Inspectorate, the Social Security Agency, the Migration Department), in the cases provided for by the legislation. We transfer your Personal Data to state and municipal authorities and to other persons performing functions entrusted to them by law upon their request or in order to assert, exercise or defend legal claims in the Company's legitimate interest.
Data recipients may be established outside the Republic of Lithuania, the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA). If the Company transfers your Personal Data to such recipients, we will take all necessary measures provided for by law to ensure that your Personal Data and your right to privacy continue to be properly protected.
In order to protect your Personal Data, the Company has responsibly implemented organisational and technical data security measures to protect Personal Data against accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration, disclosure, as well as against any other unlawful processing.
The security measures implemented by the company also include the protection of personnel, information, IT infrastructure, internal and public networks, as well as office buildings and technical installations, compliance with fire safety rules and the implementation of other technical measures necessary to ensure data protection.
6.1. Bendrovėje tvarkomi Asmens duomenys saugomi vadovaujantis „Bendrųjų dokumentų saugojimo terminų rodykle“ (Lietuvos vyriausiojo archyvaro 2011 m. kovo 9 d. įsakymas Nr. V-100) ir (arba) Bendrovės vadovo patvirtintais terminais. The Company applies different retention periods for Personal Data depending on the purpose for which the Personal Data is processed, where it is possible to specify such retention and/or deletion period.
6.2. Duomenys taip pat gali būti saugomi ilgiau nei numatyta, siekiant pareikšti, vykdyti ir ginti teisinius reikalavimus ar Bendrovės teisėtą interesą, taip pat vykdant taikomus duomenų apsaugos įstatymus, tačiau, kai tai nepažeidžia Duomenų subjektų teisių, atitinka teisinius reikalavimus ir saugojimas yra tinkamai dokumentuotas.
6.3. Pasibaigus duomenų saugojimo terminui ar išnykus teisėtam pagrindui saugoti Asmens duomenis, tokie duomenys nedelsiant sunaikinami. Data stored in electronic form is destroyed by erasure without possibility of recovery, paper documents containing data are shredded and the residue is disposed of in a secure manner.
When the Data Subject participates in the Company's recruitment for vacancies, the Company processes the data in accordance with the "Policy on the Processing of Personal Data of Candidates for Employees", which is available at
8.1. Jūs, kaip Duomenų subjektas, turite teisę:
8.1.1. žinoti (būti informuotam) apie savo Asmens duomenų tvarkymą;
8.1.2. susipažinti su tvarkomais savo Asmens duomenimis;
8.1.3. reikalauti ištaisyti savo Asmens duomenis;
8.1.4. reikalauti ištrinti savo Asmens duomenis („teisė būti pamirštam“), jei tai galima pagrįsti viena iš priežasčių, numatytų BDAR 17 str. 1 d.;
8.1.5. apriboti savo Asmens duomenų tvarkymą;
8.1.6. prašyti apriboti savo Asmens duomenų tvarkymą, kai taikomas vienas iš atvejų, numatytų BDAR 18 str.1 d.;
8.1.7. nesutikti su savo Asmens duomenų tvarkymu, jei jie tvarkomi teisėto intereso pagrindu.
8.1.8. bet kada atšaukti Bendrovei duotus Jūsų sutikimus;
8.1.9. Jei manote, kad tvarkant Jūsų Asmens duomenis Bendrovė pažeidžia duomenų apsaugos teisės aktus, turite teisę pateikti skundą Valstybinei duomenų apsaugos inspekcijai paštu Sapiegos g. 17, LT10312, Vilnius, e-mail. by email to ada@ada.ltaror by any other means published on the website of the State Data Protection Inspectorate, but you are always welcome to raise your concerns with the Company first so that we can answer any questions you may have.
8.2. Duomenų subjektų teisės užtikrinamos neatlygintinai. Where your requests are manifestly unfounded or disproportionate, in particular due to unreasonable repetition, the Company may charge a reasonable fee, taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information or the notifications and/or actions requested, or it may refuse to act on the request on the basis of reasons.
8.3. Duomenų subjektai prašymus Bendrovei dėl bet kurios Duomenų subjekto teisės įgyvendinimo gali pateikti keliais būdais – tiesiogiai Bendrovei, paštu ar el. means of communication. When making requests, Data Subjects are required to verify their identity in the following ways: 1) when submitting the application directly to an employee of the Company - to provide a personal identification document; 2) when submitting the application by post - to provide a copy of the personal identification document certified in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation; 3) by submitting an email. by means of communication, by signing it with a qualified electronic signature or by forming it by electronic means which ensure the integrity and unalterability of the text.
If you have any questions or wish to exercise your rights, please contact us at the email address of the Data Protection Officer. email or visit us at our head office at Metalistų g. 6B, LT78107 Šiauliai, Lithuania.
Contact details of the Data Protection Officer: +370 620 63563; email: